Asociación Xuvenil Vrenza
Vrenza is a youth association founded in teo in 1992. It was born as a direct result of the needs & desires of a group of youngsters who felt the need to express their needs of cultural knowledge of the different cultures which form part of the European community.Other objectives arose, centred above all, in the cultural knowledge of our country, as well as other subjects which are of interest to young people. In order to achive this, a whole series of activities were initiated by the association, such as: youth exchanges, both within galicia as well as abroad, trips throughout galicia, conferences, talks, sales of books, youth integration activities…and many other cooperations within the former Youth Program (nowadays Youth in Action Program). We have also participated actively in Grundtvieg programs, as well as Citizens.As a result of our aim & need for inform the young people of Teo, we started up many activities for them: we became a youth information point named by the Ministry of Family, Women & Youth of the autonomous goverment (Xunta de Galicia). At this information point, young people are able to obtain updated information on all the current activities available to them, as well as any other type of information which they may require: employment, grants, European opportunities, Eures network…We recently got the accreditation to become a sending, coordinator and hosting organization within the European Volunteering Service. Successfully we have hosted a volunteer from Ukraine and implemented in the last years a Youthdemocracy project and a transnational youth seminar
Solláns 50 bj, Spain, Galicia, 15866
Mr. Fernando Rodríguez Castro
+34 981 80 64 12
2. Centro Jovem de Santo Adrião
Synergia ‘s work is based on the values that underpin youth associations: justice, solidarity, delivery, responsibility, cooperation, social conscience. It is aspace to exercise and claim rights: a meeting, association, culture, sports, leisure. The association wants to contribute to the consolidation and streamlining of the fabric of society and be an important factor of social transformation and innovation. This is how Synergia is identified as being an important means for young people voice, for their ideas and opinions. In all its activities, Synergia aims to support young people, give them new opportunities and, above all, promote their work. This is the case of the Project Support Office, operating since 2009, with the aim of supporting young people’s initiatives /projects and job search/ training, encouraging them to be entrepreneurs, as well as advising by sharing good practice. The Office for European Projects is also based on giving opportunity to young people, in this case international experience, in the form of exchanges, such as the European Voluntary Service. Also TOCA (the newest space of the association) relates to this purpose: to give young people a place where they can grow and demonstrate their full potential. In this space, young people can promote events; have a workspace where they can share their experiences with other young people and, above all, is a space without limits or barriers, where the young can show their whole creativity. Lastly, in supporting the sport, the association has Synergia Academy, that offers various forms of physical activity, so that everyone can practice them, with particular attention on youth at risk in order to teach them healthy living practices and foster their social inclusion.
Rua do Centro Cultural e Social de Santo Adrião, Braga
Mr. Ricardo Sousa
Terra di Mezzo (TDM) 2000 Malta is a non-profit, non-governmental voluntary organization. Its main aim is to provide the tools and opportunities for its youth members to be active in society on a local and international level. This is done through the various voluntary activities organized by our organization on a regular basis. These activities include the following:
- Youth Exchanges, initiatives, training courses and networking programs;
- Doing charity work for local charitable institutions in Malta via fund-raising activities and project management of their projects;
- Regularly creating local team and group building events and activities on a monthly basis to give the TDM members the opportunity to meet in a leisurely atmosphere; and
- Involved in the hosting of career related work placements such as Erasmus and LDV People in the labour market.
Mr. Duncan Muscat
+356 99897969